Fire Dance at Legian Beach

When you come to Bali don’t forget to visit Legian beach. Every beach in Bali offers certain attraction, at Legian the tourists will see fire dance. The dance is performed by the local artists to satisfy traveler every afternoon. When the sun is starting to sink, the musicians are preparing their instruments and the dancers are setting their tool.

The tool for the dancer is a pair of ball like device that are tied with chain, and the ball will be burned. The dancer simply holds the chain and moves it, so that the fire will make a circle line.

The musicians use percussion to live the rhythm to burn the dancers’ emotion. The music that is heard is a little bit like music for capoeira.

Not only the dancer who can dance but also every visitor of the beach may participate on the dance. Everyone who able to move the hand and step the foot can join the dance, because it is a very simple dance.

The sunset, as the background of the place will give dramatic scene to every tourist who comes to Legian beach. The sound of the percussions will unite the visitors’ feeling with the nature.
